On April 9, 2018May 14, 2018
Removable prosthetic solutions are all the solutions that a patient can remove by him or herself. We mainly talk about dentures. When most of the teeth or all teeth are missing one of the easiest solutions in order to compensate for the missing teeth is the denture. Dentures used to be the only solution, but they are not the best solution for sure. With the modern technology they can be much more comfortable and functional and they can give you nice and natural appearance.
There are more types of dentures, they can be partial and complete removable dentures, semi-fixed and fixed dentures. Completely toothless patients have problems with wearing the ordinary dentures. In those cases dental implants can be used as special anchors to make the denture more stable. Therefore, having a denture, especially one in the lower jaw shouldn’t be such a problem anymore; it is safe, more comfortable and chewing is definitely easier. Their biggest advantage is that they can be easily removed in order to maintain hygiene, and still they are safe enough to wear them without the fear of them falling down. Sometimes even with the more complicated cases two dental implants can be enough to make you feel safe and to restore the normal functionality.
The quality and self-esteem provided to you by new technologies in dentures manufacturing are priceless.
After graduating from School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, doctor Luka Masnić had a chance to work in one of the best dental polyclinics in Zagreb. After making a name in the fields of dental prosthetics and oral surgery, he started his own private practice.
Always wanting to achieve more, doctor Luka Masnić started postgraduate study specializing in the field of Oral surgery.
This type of education includes lifelong learning so that the doctor of dental medicine can keep on improving his knowledge and skills in accordance with the new discoveries and standards.
Even after graduating from the faculty, he keeps atending congresses of local and international importance.
– The Tissue Care Concept
– Prosthetic Planning and Procedures with ANKYLOS C/X
– Surgical Aspects of ANKYLOS C/X
– Hands-On Training ANKYLOS C/X Prosthetics (Beč, Austrija)
Prof.dr. Alexander Gutowsky (Opatija, Hrvatska) S praktičarima otvoreno o praksi
29. i 30.11.2013 Straumann kombnirani implantološki tečaj